Marine@UGent South Korea

Ghent University Global CampusIn 2024, Ghent University opened a branch of Marine@UGent on Ghent University Global Campus, its campus in South Korea. In doing so, Ghent University further strengthens and expands its South Korean campus in Incheon and meets the South Korean government's demand to translate its internationally recognised expertise in marine and maritime research to the concrete challenges for the region.

South Korea is a peninsula with a huge coastline and a very large marine biodiversity, which is particularly interesting for high-level marine and maritime research. The broad expertise of Marine@UGent forms the basis for the new research institute on the Ghent University campus in South Korea.

The South Korean government supported the establishment of the new research institute and is also financing it. The South Korean department of Marine@UGent works closely with national and local industry, authorities and knowledge institutions.

The campus provides laboratories and office space for Marine@UGent. Currently, 15 Ghent University employees work for the South Korean department, both researchers and administrative and technical staff. This is done in close cooperation with researchers and professors from the home campus.

Research domains Marine@UGent South Korea

Sustainably Harvested & Productive Ocean
Sustainably Harvested and Productive Ocean
Healthy Ocean
Healthy Ocean
Ocean & Human Health
Ocean and Human Health
Predictive Ocean
Predictive Ocean