PSYNC collaborates with various stakeholders. You will find a list of stakeholders with whom we collaborate on this page. All these stakeholders participate in the annual PSYNC Steering Committee during which we review past PSYNC-activities and we discuss future (possible) actions.
In addition to the steering committee, PSYNC of course also collaborates with several other important partners (e.g., City of Ghent, Awel). In order to carefully follow up important policy dossiers, several PSYNC promoters participate in the Working Group on Follow-up of Mental Health Dossiers. The members of that working group are represented in various associations and decision-making bodies such as the Federal Council, the Supreme Health Council and the Commission of Psychologists.
Would you or your organisation also like to collaborate with PSYNC on the topic of mental health? Then contact the PSYNC coordinator via e-mail.
Following stakeholders participate in the PSYNC steering committee:
Psyche wants to help build a stronger mentally healthy Flanders together with all partners and stakeholders involved.
The Flemish Association of Clinical Psychologists (VVKP) is the scientific and professional association of clinical psychologists in Flanders.
The VVKP represents more than 2,500 clinical psychologists: students, researchers and working clinical psychologists, both employed and independent health care providers.
POBOS has been a counseling center for well-being since 1990, organizing adequate help after shocking events and for psychosocial problems.
Thanks to a national network of 230 licensed clinical psychologists and 7 professional social workers, POBOS offers a unique range of services with the aim of improving people's well-being at work and in private life.
Eetexpert is the Flemish knowledge center for eating and weight problems. Eetexpert provides the bridge between scientific research and practice.
Through a focus on prevention of eating and weight problems and strengthening the care for people with eating and weight problems, Eetexpert wants to improve the physical and psychosocial health of the Flemish people.
The Flemish expertise center Alcohol and other Drugs (VAD) offers reliable and independent advice and materials on alcohol, illegal drugs, psychoactive medication, gambling and gaming.
VAD is also the umbrella organization for Flemish organizations working on alcohol and other drugs.
Apollo18, an Innovation-by-Design agency, aims to create impact and believes in the power of creativity, the added value of knowledge sharing and the success of interdisciplinary collaboration.