What we do

PSYNC is a consortium dedicated to improving the mental health of all citizens, running research projects in close collaboration with diverse stakeholder groups, with a clear focus on generating real world impact and societal innovations.


  • Taking the importance of a lifecycle perspective on mental health into account.
  • Increasing mental health literacy and developing health promotion initiatives.
  • Developing innovations in helping people to manage good mental health.
  • Taking care of the ethical dimension in mental health research and mental health innovations.
  • Reaching out to vulnerable groups.

How we work

  • Collaborating within UGent and with various stakeholders.
  • Organizing events, often together with Ghent Alumni Psychology (GAP) and the other interdisciplinary UGent consortia.
  • Science communication through various channels, including our science blog www.mensenkennis.be, YouTube channel, on social media (Facebook, LinkedIn and X), and through our newsletter (Dutch posts only).
  • Policy support from various organizations and decision-making bodies that we belong to (e.g., Federal Council, Psychologists Committee).
  • Build and disseminate knowledge through scientific publications and accessible resources (e.g., podcasts, knowledge clips).
  • Seek funding for research projects and as such realize positive mental health impact.
  • Build a community of mental health researchers that contribute to improved mental health in citizens.


PSYNC is always looking for opportunities to collaborate and creates possibilities for researchers to contribute.


  • PSYNC, together with the Ghent Alumni Psychology, organized the event "Assessing adolescents' pornography use, risky sexual behavior, and subjective well-being" on 15/06/2023, featuring Sarah Van Laerhoven (Pimento), Sam Geuens (sexologist), Prof. Gunter De Win (urologist), and Prof. Inge Glazemakers (developmental psychologist).
  • On 18/04/2023, PSYNC, in collaboration with the Ghent Alumni Psychology association, held an event on student burnout. You can find the video recording here (in Dutch).
  • PSYNC, along with other partners, organized the event "Mental health & resilience in times of polycrisis" on 22/03/2023.
  • On October 8th (9h30) 2022 we organised a lecture by Prof. Bruce Wampold (University of Wisonsin, USA) followed by a debate on what makes psychotherapy effective. Read more or download the keynote lecture by Prof. Wampold here.
  • On February 12th 2020 the health insurer 'Christelijke Mutualiteit' (CM), together with the Ghent Alumni Psychology (GAP) and PSYNC, organises an evening activity about taboo in mental health care. Read more (Dutch only).
  • Event on January 17th 2020 on the Cost-effectiveness of mental health care interventions by Prof. Dr. Lieven Annemans. Read more.