The Belgian Mental Health Research Network

The Belgian Mental Health Researchers Network is an initiative from a group of academics and knowledge institutes that want to strengthen mental health research in Belgium and build a thriving community to connect researchers and create evidence informed impact. We particularly encourage early career research to join.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to foster an interdisciplinary research community dedicated to advancing innovation and enhancing the impact of mental health research in Belgium. Responding to societal needs, we aim to promote research collaborations, advocate for adequate funding, bridge the gap between research and practice, and engage with diverse research stakeholders. Our goal is to inform and improve mental health care, policies, and public awareness throughout Belgium.

Concrete actions and activities

  • We organize a yearly network meeting for mental health researchers (including early career researchers)
  • We provide a platform where mental health researchers can connect
  • We connect with policy makers and relevant stakeholders
  • We spread information about research initiatives and calls
  • We advocate for more accessible research funding
  • We disseminate research evidence for a broad audience

Board Members

Dr. Pierre Smith (Sciensano)
Prof. Olivier Luminet (UCLouvain)
Prof. Inez Germeys (KU Leuven)
Prof. Alexis Dewaele (Universiteit Gent)
Prof. Ann Desmet (ULB)
Prof. Kris Van den Broeck (UAntwerpen)
Prof. Johan Bilsen (VUB)
Prof. Raffaella Di Schiena (ULiège)
Prof. Sarah Galdiolo (UMons)

Join the community?

Register here!
