Lien Goossens

Lien Goossens


What is your main driver for doing research?

I have always been fascinated by the different (small and big) steps young people take throughout their development, how they deal with challenges that come their way and why this is harder for some than for others. Thanks to research, I try to gain more insight into the (mal)adaptive development of young people and then translate these insights into practice in order to contribute to improving the mental health of today's young people and thus tomorrow's adults. Moreover, I find it very inspiring to be able to collaborate in my research, both with stakeholders from practice and policy as well as with researchers from different backgrounds and from different disciplines.

Why do you believe that strengthening mental health is so important?

Strengthening mental health can help make individuals resilient and thus help them cope with the challenges that come their way. Strong mental health has an impact not only on the individual's own quality of life, but also on their social context (family, peers, colleagues) and on society as a whole.

How could research change the world?

Research can change the world by creating new insights that can be translated into advice, tools and methodologies to optimise policy and practice.

With whom outside academia did you already collaborate and achieved important results?

I have already had the opportunity to collaborate with various stakeholders such as Eetexpert, Logo Gezond+, CLB, Flemish Institute for Healthy Living, principals, teachers and pupils from Flemish schools, and caregivers and patients from clinical and paediatric centres.

