The Botanical Garden - Gabriëlle De Waele Fund

Dozens of plants from all over the world are collected and kept in the botanical garden. These plants are often endangered in their own environment, or are still found in nature, but to a limited extent. Changing land use, monocultures, and global warming are some of the phenomena that have impacted the natural habitats of plants and animals.

The botanical garden offers a safe haven for numerous living organisms. Here, plants are not only looked after, but students and researchers can also come to study them. Visitors can get to know the rich and wonderful world of plants, losing themselves in far-off lands, from the tropics to the desert. The botanical garden collaborates with international institutions to protect (sub)tropical trees and forests and to help local residents who depend on these trees for sustenance.

Foto's collectie Plantentuin

Want to make a donation to the Botanical Garden Fund?

ColombiaYour donation to the Botanical Garden Fund will support the operation and conservation activities of the Botanical Garden in Ghent.

With a gift of € 100, we can add an endangered tree species to our living collections. With a gift of € 1000, we can reward a thesis based on the living collection in the botanical garden, or we can collect samples of wild tree species and bring them to Ghent for research.

I would like to donate online

We gratefully welcome donations to the Botanical Garden Fund – donations can be made via bank transfer to account number BE26 3900 9658 0329, including the message “Botanical Garden Fund”. Your gift is tax deductible starting from € 40 per year.

My mother enjoyed raising plants for the garden or at home. During her travels, she also visited numerous botanical gardens and came under the spell of exotic vegetation. She regularly visited the University Botanical Garden in Ghent. She was especially charmed by the rich colours in autumn. I established the fund to commemorate her and to provide lasting support for her great passion. Hopefully this will inspire others, with as big a botanical heart as my mom, to donate to the Botanical Garden! - Aurèle De Vos, son of Gabriëlle and founder of the UGent Botanical Garden - Gabriëlle De Waele Fund.

How your gift makes a difference:

Read the story about Aurèle on

More information about the fund?

Background information

Gabriëlle De WaeleThe fund was founded in 2004 by Mr. Aurèle De Vos, in memory of his mother Gabriëlle De Waele (10.12.1921-8.5.2002). Gabriëlle lived most of her life in Lovendegem and Ghent. Originally, the aim of the fund was to award an annual prize bearing her name to a thesis that used the collections of the Botanical Garden. In 2022, the purpose of the fund was expanded to support the operation of the Botanical Garden.


The purpose of the fund is to provide financial support for the Botanical Garden conservation activities and community outreach. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Awarding the "Gabriëlle De Waele Prize."
  • Strengthen living collections of endangered plant species;
  • Building infrastructure related to conservation (e.g., seed bank for long-term preservation, preservation of DNA samples)
  • Scientific research in support of conservation activities;
  • Organization of fieldwork, symposia and workshops related to conservation;
  • Preparation of publications related to conservation;
  • Training activities for staff related to conservation.

More information about the Botanical Garden?

What else can I do?

Contact us

Do you have questions about this or any of the other Ghent University funds? Please get in touch and we will be happy to assist you.

University Fund of Ghent University
Wim Van der Planken
+32 9 264 33 84