Your legacy

You can make a difference

If you tell us about your wishes then we can offer support as you are preparing the text of your will. We will be delighted to help you “cross all the i’s and dot the t’s”, as the saying goes! Because that is the only way to ensure that your legacy will work out exactly as you wish.

I myself have already been working at Ghent University for thirty years, so I have an extremely good idea of what researchers are working on, and where the greatest needs and societal challenges are. Within Ghent University there are 1001 different options where a donation can make a huge difference. Our job is to ensure that the legacy gets used exactly as envisaged by the testator."
Terry Ediers Terry Ediers 2.png

Whenever people contact us, we first try to find out about their personal interests and motivation. If you wish, we will also discuss all aspects together with an eye to making a will."
Elien Wanzeele  Elien Wanzeele (2).png

Thinking of including Ghent University in your will? We're here to listen!

We are very happy to help you, and of course will do so with the utmost discretion. We can meet you in our office or at your home, or we can work with you by telephone or email.

Terry Ediers en Elien WanzeelePlease feel free to get in touch with us!

Terry Ediers & Elien Wanzeele

Terry +32 9 264 83 31
Elien +32 9 264 33 88

People like you

In the brochure about legacies at Ghent University, you can read inspiring stories from other testators and learn about the researchers who were able to conduct ground-breaking research thanks to bequests. You can request a copy of the brochure by email:, or by filling in the online contact form.

Request a brochure (only available in Dutch)

Christa Plaisier en Monique Christiaens

Mariëlle De Bom Van Driessche

'Duo-legacies' since 1 July, 2021

A ‘duo-legacy’ relates to a bequest made to a charitable cause that is liable for inheritance tax on the legacy to be paid out of any legacies to other heirs. The Flemish Parliament approved a decree abolishing the tax concession regime for ’duo-legacies’. Since 1 July 2021, it is still possible to include a ‘duo-legacy’ in a will, but this will no longer bring any fiscal advantage. 

The new rules may have important consequences for anyone who included a ‘duo-legacy’ in their will before 1 July 2021, and who is resident for tax purposes in the Flemish region. It is very possible that, if they die after 1 July 2021, a person’s will may not have the effect that they intended. Testators are therefore advised to discuss the practical implications of these changes with their notary and/or with the University Fund.